Honduras - La Mujeres De Comsa
Origin Info
PRODUCER: Comsa Cooperative
COUNTRY: Honduras
VARIETY: Catimor, Catuai
ALTITUDE: 1245m-1670m
PROCESS: Natural
TASTE NOTES: Golden Syrup - Plum - Sugarcane
The Story
This lot as the name suggests is a celebration of the coffee produced by female owned farms in the Comsa cooperative. Put together from several different farms in the coop, it's a real showcase of the knowledge, commitment and hard work put in by women farmers in the region.
Café Orgánico Marcala (COMSA), founded in 2001 in Marcala, Honduras, began as a collective of 69 small-scale Lenca farmers seeking alternatives to the low-paying, chemical-intensive coffee production system prevalent in the region. Transitioning to organic farming posed significant challenges, including initial yield drops and member attrition, but strategic alliances, such as with CEDECO, introduced innovative practices that improved yields, preserved the environment, and fostered community well-being.
Over time, COMSA developed its unique approach to organic farming, based on the “five Ms” of organic agriculture, and grew to 1,200 members. In 2016, it launched the Diplomado Orgánico, a transformative training program that links farming practices to ecosystem and community health. Cooperative Coffees, partnering with COMSA since 2014, imports their high-quality coffee and supports this program, highlighting COMSA’s success in blending regenerative agriculture with specialty coffee excellence